i need to blog about theseeee!
you've got it!!!
have been wanting to make these since ages ago.
since i wrote a process essay for school on how to make these babies.
i haven't blogged a recipe in awhile...
but this one is toooooooooo yummy not to blog about!
so, needless to say, i need to blog about these!
to start, i got this recipe from Kay Kay, one of the HOTTEST celeb models on earth (im pretty sure everyone knows who im talking about)
(Click here for the recipe)
and she got it from Joylicious, another popular baker blogger person
this is her recipe, but kay kay did some editing to it, and i did minor adjustments to hers
so hereby, i proudly present... MY RECIPE! :)
Here are the ingredients:
For the crust:
15 Digestives crackers, crumbed
Half a blog of butter, 125g? (you can use a bit more, since mine were not sticky enough...)
3 tbs of sugar
For the batter:
4 egg whites and 2 tbs of sugar
1 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp of salt
1.5 cups all-purpose flour
125g of butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
0.5 cup sour cream
2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and diced
i didn't make the cream cheese frosting cuz it was sooooooooo good on its own! :)
when they came out of the oven, i was like:
my crust of the cupcake was not really crusty (if you get what i mean) since there weren't enough butter to stick them.
okay, here are the steps!