Saturday, 5 January 2013

NS Happenings

Wows. Truckload of things happened these week! Somehow related to NS. Makes me appreciate the poor guys wasting their precious 2 years a little more.

(Social Night)
First up was Bryan's Social Night. I don't know what is social night, how is it like, what to do, what not to do... Though Bryan had been a gentleman and briefed me through the itenary for that day, still it was nerve wrecking to meet so many new people in one day!

No idea how much it costed, since Bryan refuse to tell me (which makes me even more curious about the price!!!) But being a good date, I shall not press him to tell me...

Have always been curious about NS, and guys seldom share about these stuff with girls. They always share it amongst themselves, since it's so much easier. We would be bombarding them with questions if they were sharing those experience with us. Like me, I can't even differentiate coy (short for company), wing, platoon, section... (better understanding after these 2 days, but I was still extremely confused before this)

Going for Social Night had allowed me to see a different side of men. A more gentleman, not treating girls like just girls, but treating girls like ladies kinda men. It was fun and social... But at the end of the day, I still don't understand the purpose behind social night for these guys...

Pass out parade! :) that's what it stands for. 2 things guys look forward to in NS are POP and ORD (I forgot the abbreviations for this, but it simply means that your NS life had ended. Yay you!)

And I had lots of friends whom POP was on the same date as my boyf. You can see the amount of small soldiers (from my seat they look like toys! Soooo cute!!!) there are at one POP session. All of them POP together! :) best day of their lives since they are unlikely (hopefully!) to be posted back to Tekong.

Woah. I felt like a proud mother watching this POP. :') can totally cry (you will understand when you attend one!) Boys growing into men... I bet that's how all parents felt on that day... It was a good experience. Make it a great experience (other than the fact that all guys would stink on that day since they would be marching 24km from the Tekong ferry terminal all the way to the Marina floating platform)

The platform had an awesome view... Marina Bay Sands (MBS) and the Ferris Wheel (okay, Singapore Flyer) all at the backdrop! So beautiful...

You can see how much effort they have put in to protect Singapore... So touching! Except for the lady's speech, which honestly could be shorter since I bet no one was listening... We all just wanna hug our friends and family (though they smell of sweat!) after the parade! :)

Some shots below with my best friend and our boys.

What a fruitful weekend! :) honoured to be invited to both events!!!

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